Monday, December 12, 2011

What's the best way to break up with your boyfriend? Boys' opinions welcome!?

me and my boyfriend have only been going out for two months, but up until now we've been pretty serious. i know he likes me a lot more than i like him. and i'm just getting bored, mostly. i'm tired of always being around him and talking to him. we're only in high school, and i really want to be single and just kind of flirt again, because it's been a while. when i break up with him it's going to crush him, and i know because we've talked about it. he's expecting it to happen in like 6 more months at least. how can i let him down as easily as possible?What's the best way to break up with your boyfriend? Boys' opinions welcome!?




K.O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What's the best way to break up with your boyfriend? Boys' opinions welcome!?
Hi Darth Maul,

Breaking up is never easy. This might be a situation where sending him a considerate and well thought out email might work better than telling him in person. I would not text him and definitely would not post it to his Facebook page. Tell him that you see him as a friend, tell him how much you enjoyed getting to know him, and want to keep him as a friend. However you want to be single again and you hope that he can appreciate it since both of you were expecting that this relationship would not last more than six months.
We only feel crushed during break ups because everyone feels they won't find someone else. Try going back out on group dates. Bring some single friends who may be interested in your boyfriend. If one is... then sit down with your boyfriend and just tell him you want to be single and point him in the direction of your friend whos interested.
You are still young and have your own freedom to experience whatever you want to do. Just be prepared for the consequences. I hope when you how up that you look back and reflect on your past.

Sometimes when you let someone go, you have regrets about it because, let's face it, no one wants to die a lonely poor soul.

Good luck
the best way to break up with your boyfriend is be honest on why you don't want to be with him anymore. Or if you think that your reason will hurt his feelings, then be as gentle as you can and find a different explanation that is reasonable.
There really is nothing you can say to soften the blow but dont say your boring and you want to flirt with other guys. Also just be there for him tell him you still wanna be friends and apologize also try to make him feel good. Can you help with mine please?
bake him a cake with a broken heart and his name in the middle and a card saying i'm sorry. He will be depressed and eat the whole cake I promise, if he say cheated or something like that then I would suggest to poison it as a trap
There really isn't an easy way, but you should do it soon instead of leading him on.

That will only hurt him more. Let him know how you really feel and that you two can still be friends (unless you don't want to be) and let him move on.
Sorry, but you're gonna end up braking his hear, but he had to understand that you don't want to be in a relationship for now. and you both could still be friend if you want and be cool with each other.
tell him your not happy anymore. its nothing he did, but your just not happy. you need some alone time. tell him to give you like two months. he will grow less fond of you with the space i promise
Have the ovaries to be honest with him! Sounds like you have had him on stand-by til someone more interesting comes along. Do yourself a favor and him. Make a HONEST, CLEAN, RESPECTFUL break now!
Tell him u dnt thk it's wrking out, dats probably da easiest way, but watev u do, DNT tell him da real reason u wna break up
wow, you sound exactly like my old girlfriend did. she crushed me too. and i should have seen it coming. at least you told him first.
Well what i did was, i started an arguement then said it while we both were mad so it seem apropriate =)
Be straight up and let it rip, ';It's not working for me. Let's end this.';
say it as nicely as possible n give him good reasons. tell him u still care about him n dat mayb u can b friends
no easy way to let him down...just get it over with
just tell him u just don't feel like having a boyfriend at the moment he'll be crushed but he'll understand
OMG! that sounds exactly like the situation that i was just in! i was going out with this guy that was way more into me than i was into him. we only went out for a month and i just broke up with him a couple days ago. just like you, i was basically bored with him and i also missed flirting with other guys. he's a really sweet guy and i was afraid of crushing him. luckily it went really well and we're still friends. well anyway, this is how i broke up with him:

i went to his house and suggested that we should go on a walk. so we walked and talked for about ten mins. then i casually brought up the question 'how do you feel about our relationship?'. let him do all the talking at this point so he can get all of his feelings out. then he'll prob ask you how you feel. this is when you tell him 'your a great guy and everything but i feel we would be better off as friends.' or something along those lines.

with this approach i believe it's more casual and not too harsh or anything. trust me the single life feels really good right now and you'll feel relieved when it's over. hopefully this is helpful. i wish you the best of luck! :)

p.s. don't use any cheesy break up lines. they're just hurtful
You said boys opinions welcome, but how about an answer from a man.

Be honest, direct and polite. Tell him you don't want to be his gf anymore, tell him you'd rather be honest with him now than wait till it would be far worse. Tell him one day that he will respect you for your honesty, even if he pouts and whines like a boy.

You are in high school, your priorities (in my humble opinion) should be:

1) Getting as much from your tax payer funded education as possible by paying attention, studying and not be so distracted by such things as whiny boys.

2) Showing respect and appreciation to your parents. They are the ones who toiled to bring home the bacon to put on your table, put the roof over your head, the clothes on your back and made your life good enough that your biggest concern in life right now is how to break up with some kid. Go straight to your parents, or parent, or whoever is making your life so wonderful right now and tell them how lucky you are to have them, and start showing that very attitude every day.

Remember the above when you have kids in high school...

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