Monday, December 12, 2011

What is the best way to break-up with your live-in boyfriend?

I have been with my boyfriend for a little over 1 year and because of his last roommates situation he moved in with me. I knew going into this that it would make or break our relationship, but against everyone else's opinions I let him move in. Now I am constantly cranky and everything that he does(or DOESN'T do) pisses me off. I am not sure how to end it and I know that he doesn't have anywhere to go. WHat should I do? Any Ideas?What is the best way to break-up with your live-in boyfriend?
As long as he remains a live-in boyfriend, nothing will be ';broken up';. If you wish to ';break-up'; with him, you first have to change your living arrangements. Either you have to move out and find some place else to stay or vice versa. Unless you are willing to move out and let him stay there, it looks like you first have to get him out of your house or apartment. As cold hearted as this sounds, it is not your problem that he doesnt have anywhere else to go. There are homeless shelters if he has no relatives willing to accept him. I would also check with any churches in the area. Does he have a job? If so, how much money per month does he make? Maybe he could afford to get his own apartment. You might help him look for a job or make suggestions about where he might start to look if he has no job. But the main idea here is if you want to break it off with this guy, you need to first move him back out of your apartment / house. Unless you 2 plan on getting married anytime soon, it is best if he moves back to where he was staying before or find other living arrangements.What is the best way to break-up with your live-in boyfriend?
Let him know how you feel up front no beating behind the bush, give him a month to look for a place to live.
Tell him the situation isn't working at that you need your space.
move without telling him
let him know it is not working, and then give him a month to find a new place to live. Be firm, but offer to help him find a place and support him as a friend.
Call your local Shelter! You should be happy and comfortable!...But I'll tell you the truth when he moves out you two will get back together! Trust me. You just weren't ready for the living together stuff yet!
Yeah. Say: Get you triflin' worthless lazy shiftless A$$ th fu%$ out! TODAY!!!
Tell him to get a job and look for a place. Tell him to go live with his parents or sleep in his car. Let him catch you making out with another guy if he doesn't get the hint. That will make him feel a little more like he has worn out his welcome.

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