Monday, December 12, 2011

How do you know, when it's time to break up with your boyfriend? (teens)?

I have been with my boyfriend for 2 months. I still love him but the relationship is going downhill I think. Sometimes, I feel it's okay and he loves me too, but other times i'm not so sure. Will someone give me a few points on how to know when it's time to break up and how the guy should act when it's time to break up?


It's been such a rollarcoaster and days I come home happy and others so sad. It's really tearing me up xxxxHow do you know, when it's time to break up with your boyfriend? (teens)?
Don't just break up with him because you're having bad times.

Everyone does, even if you've been together your whole life.

Try talking to him, maybe hes stressed out or has something going on with himself.

Plus, don't say you love someone after 2 months.

You never really 'know' when its time, but if hes making you feel down when you're alone or with your friends, hes not worth it.

If you feel like you're in love with someone else, don't trust him, or just feel un interested.

Just try talking to him firstHow do you know, when it's time to break up with your boyfriend? (teens)?
hmm probably when your some 13 year old who shouldn't have a boyfriend anyways. no... i'm not making any implications.

but seriously though your like what 12 or 13? you shouldn't have a boyfriend in the first place.

EDIT: yeah... i did, but that doesn't mean that i went and got a girlfriend, you don't even know what love is lol.
That's life hunny. Life isn't going to be perfect and neither are relationships. I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years and 2 months. I've felt like you before, unsure, and doubtful, full of curiosity on how things will turn out. Sometimes you have to go with the flow. If you guys get to the point where you find yourself trying to avoid each other, then you know something is wrong, but until then, just let it slide and have fun while your still young!! You have plenty of time to decide on ';real relationships'; later on in life.
well if youre arent able to live your life pleasantly, then its not worth the time, but yet again, it can work out for the best, but its only been two months so you guys dont really love each other. the frist months are almost always the best, so if they are already bad, i would get out now and just work on being friends and if youre supposed to end up together again, then it will happen. :] good luck i'm sure you'll make a good decision (there is never a good time to break up with someone, but if they are bringing you down, then you need to)
well you've been with him for only 2 months and it is already like that i think you should dump him RIGHT NOW
If he is acting like he doesn't love you any more then it should be time to end it, but a 2 month relationship is a bit to much to throw away just like that you should talk to him and ask him questions like do you still love me? stuff like that and be honest!
OK well the first thing to realise is that if you think its going badly, he probably doesn't have a clue!

If you feel its not going well, then break up with him. I had a relationship very similar where one day I liked the guy and we got on and the next i didn't and it was awkward. After breaking up with him, I felt much much happier and we get on a lot better too.

He probably doesn't realise its upsetting you, so if you do really like him, talk to him about it and see if you can work things out!!

Good luck.
First off: Don’t say ‘love.’ If you two loved each other, you wouldn’t even consider breaking up. Or at least you might, but it would cause an actual physical pain.

Secondly, as to the advice part: If you don’t think you should be seeing any more, maybe you shouldn’t.
maybe u need to talk to him about how u r feeling. please don't do something u might later regret, if u still love him then surely it's worth hanging onto. i remember with my ex when i felt a bit woah, and on valentines day i was in tears and likely to dump him cos i felt things wern't right but i knew that deep down i loved him and that it was just down to my personal problems (i had been depressed before i met him and when met felt so happy that it went away). i hung onto him and although he had his own personal problems and dumped me after 2.5 months it was the best time of my life and soo glad i hung onto him.

i think at the end of the day u know deep down when it is over or when there is still hope, but before u go making decisions talk to him
If it doesn't feel right then it's not. If he likes to be around you, and there's no question about it, then don't break up with him. He'll smile at you, whenever he sees you, he'll respect what you do and likes to spend time just hanging out. If he doesn't then he's not the right guy. Don't forget all couples have there ups and downs. Sometimes they get along fine and other not so well. It's the nature of all people, old and young.
You're in love at 14???! Okay... well. If you know it's not gonna be going well then breakup. If your gonna get depressed if you breakup with him then don't break up with him.

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