Monday, December 12, 2011

What is the best way to move on after your boyfriend breaks up with you?

me ex and I recently broke up and for him he says hes moved on but for me its still very hard he says we can still be friends and i want that but it makes me sad wen i think about all we did together and now he is already interseted in a girl hes been friends with for a while. I dont know how to move on and if i shud still b firnmds with him or not?What is the best way to move on after your boyfriend breaks up with you?
honeyyy move on..sorry to say he's not thinking about you soo why think about him? i think the best way to move on is to do something that makes you forget about him! like hanging wit cha girls....What is the best way to move on after your boyfriend breaks up with you?
Don't be friends. In fact avoid the guy like the plague. Your well being and sanity are more important then his friendship. Chances are that was just a line anyways. That is a common line that people use to let the dumpee down easily.
Urgh.. Ive been there.. Trust me time heals all..

You can help speed up the process by taking time for YOU and doing the things you love to get your mind off him

I find that helps
As soon as you start dating, the feelings should go away. If not, it means that you have real feelings for him and that's a bummer. But yeah, social life usually works for me. Hang out with your friends etc.
If you really loved him and cared about him it doesnt matter what you do , your still going to think about him . It takes time . You can however find other things to do to keep your mind busy while this is happening to you . Find a new hobby , photography or something . Surround yourself with friends and maybe even date a lil here and there . At first you are going to compare every other guy you date to him , so dont even try to get into anything serious . Just go have fun !

Good Luck ~
you heal yourself first, then keep yourself busy with other things of importance to you. after that you can now open yourself with new possibilities to get involve with new love life.
do things you like, talk to family and/or friends, find new hobbies. keep yourself occupied.
date a couple guys even go on blind dates
I once heard that ';If ex's break up and remain friends they were never truly in love.';

What I think you should do is: go out and buy an outfit that makes you feel amazing. Get a bunch of your best girl friends together and have a ball out on the town. Go to a couple of bars, see a movie, do something. Just don't sit at home. That is the worse thing you can do. And if you can't find anyone to go with you then go out by yourself and meet new people. Make a list of all things you wanted to do and do them. Take up square dancing. Learn a new language or how to cook. Dance in the rain. Anything but stay home and think about him and feel sorry for yourself. Challenge yourself by saying if you don't say his name or linger in thoughts about him for the day treat yourself to something fun. Just go and do! When you sit down and cry you are slowly killing who you are. Be you!
If you still have feelings for him, then being friends won't work. I've tried this before, but me and my ex ended up fighting because I wanted more. Give it some time...once you are over it, then you can try to be friends.
that ******! just get a new one girl thats what i do dont let no one and i mean no one put you down.
find another boyfriend.

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