Monday, December 12, 2011

HELP! How do you break up with your boyfriend?

I really hate breaking up with my boyfriends

1. because i feel mean

2. I still want to be friends but don't know how to phrase it just the right way...

So I need advice on how to break up with him. I guess I kind of just lost interest in him. He still gushes about how much he misses me when we're apart and I tell him I miss him too because I don't have the heart to say that I don't feel the same way anymore and to me, our conversations just die.

So can u comment back how and where i should break up with him. Thank you D:HELP! How do you break up with your boyfriend?
don't do it!!!!!!!!!!!! How do you break up with your boyfriend?
look you were (good, great, okay) however you want to describe your relationship with him was then procede to say you are just not what i need in a partner
Just be honest and dont drag him along.

';I want to see other people';
however you tell him... do it face to face!!! none of this sh*t on the phone or txtn, its not fair!!
Be straight forward. No one appreciates vague-ness.
Start with telling him that you need to breakup, so he won't get confused.

Give him the reasons why you want to breakup.

Then to end tell him you still want to be good friends.

Hug, goodbye.


Please, talk to him the next day telling us you want to be good friends and never trying to communicate with us makes us feel that you're lying.
Whatever you do, dont dump him on msn, phone, text etc. Cause it is quite harsh.

Meet up with him and tell him you have to talk. And just say to him; Look, your a really good guy, and i still want to be your friend, but i dont think its going to work out anymore.

Good luck!

Hope everything goes alright!
OK. now this may sound harsh, but it's the only way

stop being so pathetic. if you keep up this attitude then you will always have problems ending relationships.

You have to think logically WHY you want to end it, and then find a way of telling him that won't be really mean. right?

if you still want to be friends, you don't have to say it in any other way than 'I still want to be friends, cause i really value having you around.'

Simple as?

good luck

It depends how long you have been with him

I would say in person, if you have had a good relationship. If it was just a flimsy then over the phone i suppose.

You could say something like ';Hey...look, im really not sure if i feel the same way anymore...its just, alot of things have been hapening and i really dont know if i can handle it. I really want to be friends with you because i care about you so much! but i just dont think im ready for this. I'm really sorry, but i hope we could possibly try being together again another time...its just things in my life are not exactly great right now. I hope you can understand....

(put a few more happy nice things in there to make you sound caring too)
Tell him the truth, you've lost interest, and you still think he's a great guy, but it's unfair of you to be in a relationship where there is no love involved.

Ultimately, the chances of him staying friends with you is slim, and that's to be brutally honest, but it's unfair to drag him along, because it seems like he really loves you.

I hope this helps.

You are only getting more unhappy by the day as you stay in this relationship. I am sure he feels that something is up... via your actions, emotions and attitude.

Don't string him along. Tell him honestly that it isn't working out. It may hurt him, but he will get over it.

If you truely want to be friends with him then it may be difficult at first and he may not want to be. I hope you are able to accept that.

You also need to think about yourself and make yourself happy and that comes first.
well firstly i think its really harsh to breakup with someone if they dont know its with him face to face, and say you kinda feel the sparks gone, and that you arent enjoying everything as much as you used to, that you still care about him but you arent sure how much anymore, see how it goes from there... give him a few days, and if its still not working, see him again, tell him that you really like him, but you feel its time to move on, and if you honestly want to be friends, then talk to him after like you talk to your friends... tbh you may find all you need is a small step back to get your relationship back on track
I think you should do it as soon as possible,

and make sure its face to face, not over a text or email.

You have to do whats right stop leading him on

and don't be a coward. Of Course it going to hurt him,

so he may get upset or mad but you have to put up with that.

Remind him that you still want to be friends,... if he explain to

you that he doesn't want to'; then give him a few days to get over it,

then ask him if you are friends, keep asking if he keeps rejecting,...

but after a while i think you should give up,... because if he is going

to be acting stupid about it then,.. its his fault.

I think you are doing the right thing, and i hope you stay friends,

and i hope it turns out.

Breaking up is like throwing up. You reach a point where you know you're going to have to, and part of you knows that you'll feel better once it's over with, but you really don't want to. So, you fight it for a while, and the whole time you feel sick. Only after the inevitable happens can you feel better.

The best way I've found to approach a break up is to take it from the perspective that you're not doing anyone a favor by staying in a relationship that isn't right. It's not him, and it's not you. You're both great people, you're just not right for each other, so it's time for both of you to move on and find a better match. You're not being mean, just realistic.

While you explain this to him, you can also tell him that you'd like to remain friends, but depending on how the break up goes, you may need a little time apart to let the emotions calm down a little. Otherwise you might get stuck in a bit of a loop of getting back together and breaking up again.

As for how, where, when... If the conversations tend to die, that could be a good opportunity to bring it up. Find a good moment where you're really not connecting, and it might even end up being a mutual agreement when you talk about it. Good luck.
When faced with a problem like this, complete honesty is almost always the solution. Express ALL your feelings. Not just the ones about not feeling the same anymore and not wanting to be his girlfriend but also that you are feeling lousy about having to say it and realize you may be hurting him and that bothers you.

He may be hurt but he'll get over it. Nobody actually dies from a broken heart. If you want to be a decent person to yourself and him do it and get it overwith. It's okay, that's just life. Good luck.
I'm going through a very similar situation right now. So heres what i'm going to do. I'm going to ask how to go take a walk in the park with me. I'm going sit him down, and then tell him that I'm just not feeling it anymore. But if i were you, i would think through what he might say after you break up wih him, just to be sure.

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