Monday, December 12, 2011

How do you know if you want to break up with your boyfriend???

I have had a boyfriend for 2 years already. I live with him and his family and we are hoping to move out soon. Problem is, I'm starting to feel tied down. Like I can't go out with my friends or do other things because he will get jealous or he just wants me to stay home with him, since hes always tired from work and just wants to watch tv then go to bed early. Im only 20 and theres a part of me that wants to just go out whenever I want, have fun with girlfriends! without worrying about my boyfriend or what he thinks. I went straight from living with my mom to living with him and I feel like someone has always been taking care of me and I need to be independant for once. I love my boyfriend, I just dont want to regret leaving him. Its just I feel like I need to really live life before I just settle down. I do also find myself attracted to other guys but wont act on it because I'm in a relationship. So basically I guess I dont want to get married and when Im 30 or 40, be checking out other guys since I didnt really get a chance to date around or be bored already or want to live life crazy since I didnt get a chance to when I was younger. should I break up with him or what?help!How do you know if you want to break up with your boyfriend???
This is a tricky situation, but i think youve pretty much answered your own question there. if you end up married to this guy, 10 years down the line, you are going to resent him for taking away your indepedence.

Perhaps u need to ask him for a break, tell him that u are feeling claustraphobic within the relationship. Tell him that u love him, but that u need to find yourself before u can be yourself with someone else.

good luck, im sure whatever u decide to do will be the right decision for u, just dont rush your decision.How do you know if you want to break up with your boyfriend???
i feel you on alot of this stuff were same age and same boat, why dont you try being independent for once and tell him you want to take it easy for a while, get ur own apt. or whatever with some female friends, and if he's willing to wait or still be with you while ur not living w/ him he's worth keeping. it sucks i can give advice but not take it myself......goodluck.
Sweetheart, I am thinking you need to be on your own and discover first I was thinking you two need your own place then you let him know its not about whether or not he likes it, you have to right to have your friends and fun too. However, after reading the rest I decided yeah, its just easier to be taken care YES, you need to tell him you don't know what you want but you know you need to figure it out on your own. Tell him you are not comfortable because you don't think you should be noticing other guys, and yet you are. You need to be on your own to explore that and see if its just because your friends are dating or if its because you aren't ready to settle down. If he doesn't understand have his mother explain it to him. You aren't in love with him or you wouldn't even notice other guys.
You ask a question here! You answered the question yourself. It is time to move on and enjoy some freedom and let some other men light up your world.
i think u should plan for u to live at ur friends (one of ur ';girlfriends';) house for a little bit and tell ur boyfriend u need a break...if u Do this then make sure u keep in touch with him or u could lose him forever!!!!
the fact that your boyfriend would rather watch t.v. then spend time with you is like the red flashing lights in front of a rail road crossing......uh hello....a train is coming. get out now before it gets worse
ya u should because well u guys should be friends more than dating cause if ur friends u can do a lot more!!!

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