Monday, December 12, 2011

How to break up with your boyfriend? Advice?

First of all, if you don't understand why, read/answer this:;_ylt=AtLTjGVz7g9cE45xsVo1snfsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090814172322AAZEvuX

I met him online so the best way is to break up with him online, yes?

I want to break up with him over an e-mail but that would make me look like s**t because that's a wimpy way to get out of it but I can't just say ';hey, it's over'; can I :/?

He'll verbally abuse me if I do it to his face via MSN IM'ing. I'll do it through IM if that's what's best. Advice please?

Thx a bunch (:How to break up with your boyfriend? Advice?
I know EXACTLY how you feel..

Im in the same boat, been with a guy 4 years, he hacks my phone, and msn and doesn't let me talk to other guys at all.

He's long distance too but we meet every few months.

You just need to email and say..

';I've had enough of being controlled by you, I want to have my own life and do what i want';

Then delete everything you have him on, Fb, Msn, Phone.. Whatever.

Get him out your life straight away...

You can do so much better, So can i :)

I really wish you luck cause this is such a bad situation to be in :(

Remember: You DON'T need him to be happy :) He NEEDS you to controlHow to break up with your boyfriend? Advice?
well, i dunno how to do it.

But whatever you do, just talk to him nicely. Don't be too hard to him. Cause it could be hard on him. Well, and guys tend to have grudge u know.

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