ok heres the scenario your exams start you need three As or you dont get into uni, you have a lot on your mind, you get upset at exams, your boyfriend asks to do things with you but your confused to wheter you like him as much as you used to, you use the exams as an excuse and stay distant to think, you get more confused and feel you dont connect anymore with him, you decide to break up with him, you ask to meet in person, youve been crying for ages about it before, you brought tissues because you know youl cry on the way home, he treated you with respect took you out bought you drinks opend doors etc bout you a diamond necklace for your 18th he was the best boyfriend, you tell him you dont feel a connection anymore like you used to,the whole time you cant look because you feel bad, he takes it well he says he cares a lot and asks you if you cared about him you say yes, you say you dont want to end it completely and be friends but u dnt no how that would work because u werent before, you ask for one last hug then go, you text all your friends saying you broke up, some text you saying whyd you do it so soon nd not spend more time with him?you ignore the txts nd dont reply, why?.next day you put the pics of you and your ex up on bebo from the nightbefore the break up, why?after a week theres no contact youve been signing in on msn and seen your ex then you sign out, or appear offline, why?you get a new boyfriend some guy youve known for a bit flirt over bebo add as other half etc, why?if youve got so upset about breaking up with your boyfriend.and you know you are going away for a month in just less than a month.still no contact with your ex.do you ever think about him? have you been?you still sign out of msn if he signs on or hes on, why?your friend that you ignored the text who is friends with your ex asks about the new guy, she asks who looks better and who u got more in common with you say your ex,why?more exams and you cry again after them you feel you avent done well in them.its your exs bday soon its been 2 and half weeks and you avent contacted him, why?he hasnt contacted you what do you think about?his bday you decide to send him a text saying you wish him a happy bday and hope that he done well in his exam, why?he doesnt reply, what do you think? did you want a reply?do you miss your ex at any point over the past three weeks?you sign on msn and decide to stay on but you dont talk to your ex why?do you want him to talk to you?you are going away in ten days for a month, what do you think about?do you want your ex to wish you goodbye?will you think about him on the holiday?ave you been thinking about him?thats a pretty big scenario soz, any takers?What do you think about and feel after you break up with your boyfriend, girls?scenario?
Honestly %26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;what do you think about and feel after you break up with your boyfriend, girls?scenario?%26lt;%26lt; that made me cry because i just broke up with my boyfriend and he wont speak to me i still love him i was just being stupid and thinking ';hey maybe if i break up with him he wont be on my mind so much'; it just made it worse///// you will feel sad if you still love him its always hard to break up with someone and hard to get over it BUT IM GONNA GET HIM BACK~
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